Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Daydream: Imminent Incarnation

This freshness! – you wake up,
peek out, survey the rise
and sway of her cerulean skies,
snug from the bodice
of her negligée: then, joyful,

realize you can play! –
and keep it up all day! –
before you nestle softly back
to sleep in her deep cleavage –
to awaken to this freshness –

here, again! This mistress whose
amenities resplendently
will not let up: listen to her hum
and strum: invite your friends
to come, and stay, partake

of the array with which she
somehow holds the fray you’ve
dimly sensed is near at bay –
but in a way that makes you think
you bravely commandeered it

all yourself. One can’t not wonder,
tremblingly, what life could
be beyond the safe wide shelf
of her white alpine breasts:
what tests await those who don’t know

her rose-and-cream delight –
the glide of her exposed warm
bright firm sweetened milky skin.
One knows what it is like within:
what’s it like outside?


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