Sunday, May 10, 2009

Soft: A Valediction

Hush: don’t push.
Inhabit the imagination
lightly. Be inexact.
inexplicable. Elongate

and protract: bring
the ringing thing
as gently as you can
right to the edge
of silence: the ledge

this side of leaping
to the consummation:
soft: pull back. Enjoy
the lack. There’s nothing
to be done, or won.

Allow the gate through
its own weight to open.
Things will poke in,
slide to your avail
precisely as whatever

countervails evaporates.
Sit quiet and alive,
and let the plane
arrive, depart. Focus
on your art. Tomorrow:

the enchantment:
San Francisco. Go.
You’ll fly: the only way
conceivable to get there.
You know why. Bye.


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