Friday, October 28, 2016

His Problem with Protective Coloring

They thought he’d missed the point –
although his lapse had been deliberate.
He couldn’t get his synapses around the inconsiderate
suggestion that he needed camouflage when he went out

into the woods. As if to venture into Nature fully flowering
were not sufficient to anoint him with the Cosmos’
blessing – ergo, to keep him safe.
The very notion that you had to hide to save your life

had chafed him to the quick. What he’d partake of
was what he forever had partaken of: the grace
of an addressing essence: the opposite of “not” –
the breath of “yes!”: its rainbow-bright embrace!

No one knew why wolves and bears here had become so
suddenly irrationally ravenous the moment they saw brilliant
color, he’d been told: emboldened to attack with an alacrity
unknown before; this goading stimulus of bright inciting hues

meant color was bad news. He didn’t give a flip.
We watched him rip into the woods
in shining full array: devoid of ‘should’s’ –
enjoying every breeze of that sweet sunlit day.

We haven’t seen him lately.
His friends think they know why.
They’re prepared to miss him greatly.
We all but hear their long collective sigh.

We haven’t seen him lately.
His friends think they know why.
They’re prepared to miss him greatly.
We all but hear their long collective sigh.


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