Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Misappropriated Heart

Strange, and changeable –
as if requiring embellishment –
each moment of the day refuses
to allay your wide bewilderments:

galoops from cloud to hazy sun,
from gray to white to soulless yellow –
afraid to bellow – hushing, shooing out
the blue in favor of an anxious slew

of whispered incompatibilities –
there can be nothing certain now –
no lessons in the how or what or when
of things – if something sings it will

be soft and meshed and shadowed,
cowering, afraid of being plundered –
mumbling under every overtone –
hidden – as if in the softest paranoia:

keep its sense unknown – not prone
to prying by the likes of anyone
who’d try to fix the apparatus of its heart:
however misappropriated every part of it

believes it is: keep the covert air,
the hissing and the fizz, the staticky
white noise enfolding all: keep whatever
stalls the light – ‘til darkness falls.

Tomorrow, maybe, something will ensue
to reinstate the blue – but not today,
no: fingers-over-eyes today:
blanket sight – today, tonight.


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