Wednesday, March 17, 2010

They Gossip at the Birdbath

Malevolent suggestions
goose the hoo-ha! out of life –
they poke the rudest questions
to beget the sweetest strife.

They gossip at the birdbath –
plan their gleeful anarchy –
calculate through dark math:
“if it can be done, it will be.”

Deciding how to bring an end
to Being as we know it
they’re haughty and they condescend
and not afraid to show it.

I sneak in and I spy on them
to ascertain their tricks –
I listen through their spit and phlegm
(unpalatable mix!) –

but so far all I can construe –
am able to divine –
is when I’m next asked “how are you?”
the answer won’t be “fine.”


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