Monday, August 9, 2010

Existential Fairy

It seems to take an int’rest,
though in what we can’t be sure –
this existential fairy pest –
this “guardian” – less pure

in virtue, from what we can see,
than fairy tales suggest;
it flies with some authority
but if this is its best

at causing happy things to be,
much less to make them rock,
we’d just as soon it took a pee,
or knit an argyle sock.



加伦。 said...


Guy Kettelhack said...

I've been away in Italy. Just got back.


加伦。 said...

Wowser. Eetaly. Buono, BUONO! Ma dove? Ditte me! Que mange-la? Dove hai vedevi? Ma que Bella e lua!

Guy Kettelhack said...

I love that you're still wearing the chinese mask! Italy was more than I know how to say in a comment to a poem. All food was transcendent. The sun! The fountains! The children! The spaghetti carbonara!