Friday, May 13, 2011

Take One Example

Hail, biology!
Source of all.
Nothing is abstract.
Everything’s the product
of synaptic zaps and cracks
in the accretions of the body:
essence falls and fluids seep,

emotions squall and sweep,
secrete their confluences
through reflexive jerk
and subtle tap to work
to plop their drops
into a pool upon the lap –
take one example –

of a young and tongue-like
creature whom I know –
so warm and malleable,
such a golden glow! –
who, when he ponders existential
answers to our pestilential
destiny ahead,

produces from this dread,
and from his face and lips
(with an extraordinary grace –
what marvels he’ll incur!) –
an emerald-green liqueur –
which, taken in small sips
(and for the requisite amount of money),

may seduce you
like an artiste made of crème-de-menthe,
with notes of lime and honey.
That philosophic thought could be
the father of such stuff!
What need for gods?
Biology’s enough.


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