Saturday, February 23, 2008

Come to Me!

Circuitous Mercury! – squirmy little
Hermes! – why must I discourse
with you? Cavorting like a screwy
eagle through the obfuscating sky:

replying only here and there
behind, above, beneath, around,
throughout the air and then
with such a blinking strange

arcane vocabulary of bird gestures
I am always less informed
than I’d have been if I had simply
made you up: which anyway

I’m doing here, in the abrupt
right-now: what bright cow jumps
over your moon?: might how
you fling about your mystery

have nothing much to do with me?
And here I am in love with you!
Though there are just as many forms
of that as there are atoms in

your Hermes shoe: but here
you go again, replenishing the only well
I’ve got: you spot of trouble in my heart:
you dart: you terrible enigma –

thief: rip that coy warm fig leaf
off your plump pudenda – mad agenda.
Unremitting itch: flitting and
excruciating flea! Come to me!


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