Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Quadratic Equations et alia

I couldn’t solve a quadratic equation
if my life depended on it,
which begs the question: what does
my life depend on? Aquatic equations,
perhaps, which pay homage

to vast oceanic salinity and its derivative
fluids, like blood? Sporadic equations –
those random small urgencies
crying to make a numerical sense
out of thick existential intractable mud?

Galactic equations which offer explicable
trips to a star? Or synaptic equations
without which we couldn’t begin
to say who, what or when we were,
will be, or are? Alas: my path is not math.

Surely summons some grumpy
divinity’s wrath. How to divine the Divine?
I’ve got the heart and the spine –
and the requisite god-fearing dread.
But I haven’t the head.


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