Monday, July 5, 2010

Let Us Seek The Reason For The Beach

Particulate detritus of eroded silica and shell
and other tiny broken bits of creature
make the sand upon whose reach stands

all the tan and swelling brawn of Stan. Behind
the frilly pink behind of Lil the grand reserve
of water in which all of life began ends

in the motion of a gentle spill: a lapping

edge of ocean. (Lil thanks God and Walmart
for her lotion.) But these innumerable

disparate configurations of the mineral
and animal, not to mention sexually desperate
display and fraught emotion in inexorable heat

amid the grinding and indifferent and protracted
mute implosion of geology eviscerating
or creating random sand and land beyond

and under Stan and Lilly’s feet – all muddle
up what there may once have been to teach.
Therefore we find no reason for the beach.


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