Sunday, June 21, 2009

Why The Summer Solstice Disappeared This Year

I feel responsible for people's misery today.
I prayed the summer solstice would just go away
(I crave a longer night, and shorter day) –
and now the sky appears to have decided to obey:

Manhattan seems confounded and depressed:
heavy, dark and wet: the sun, suppressed,
achieves a merely meager bit of ray; expressed
in an unchanging sotto voce gray; undressed

as if for March, November, January: soon
I'm sure the climate will begin resembling June:
but this sharp apex of the year whose boon
is offering our longest brightness: that balloon

has burst: it's dim as dusk – and worse: I must confide
to you how I am privately elated that the glide
from light into the night is such a half-lit ride:
more quickly gets to what the darkness can provide.

I’m slightly sorry that I brought this on: but wait! –
to even scores, to get me back -- to compensate --
the twenty-first, December, will be eighty-eight –
and weather sweet as a Bahaman beach will propagate.


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