Friday, February 16, 2018

Edna Chapeau and her Four Hatted Freds

John Ruskin, praising the irrationality
of Gothic architecture:
“It not only dared, but delighted in,
the infringement of every servile principle.”
Who’s that lady in the hat with the heads?
Oh! It’s Edna Chapeau and her Four Hatted Freds!
Is she a walking advertisement for her doo-wop band –
Or acting out another “episode” we’ll never understand?
Perhaps she’s doing both.
Madness begs the world to ply its troth
And wed it.
The world sometimes will let it.
Maybe that’s a way to cure insanity.
Play up to its vanity
And tell it it’s the best.
Something to which Edna might attest.
Change “it” to “she”
in Ruskin’s quote about irrationality:
“She not only dared, but delighted in,
the infringement of every servile principle.”
That’s how Edna feels invincible.
She’s magnificently unconvinceable.  


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