Tuesday, February 13, 2018


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SV1ejcAoNKs (youtube)
Believing Fate had destined him
to mentor unenlightened souls,
he can’t exist without a protégé –
a malleable creature he could
sway to-ward his vision of what
he could confidently say was his
self-evidently viable reliance upon
values that authoritatively made
sense, but evanescently: born of
aperçus, velleities and other super-
subtle inclinations that accrue
from the dimensions of applying
one’s attention to correct esthetic
pensive sorts of meditation based
on Pater, Wilde and (odd to some
but not to him) the latter works
of Erma Bombeck, which together
constitutively project a sure yet
flexible recourse to which you
could repair, beyond what your
despairing puny consciousness
alone could bring to bear on
anything at all. Upon whoever
cleaved to what this sage believed,
would, without fail, befall the sort
of wealth of meaning that ensues
in lives lived by and through his
kind of supple scruple, not the
unavailing stolen goods, the pelf,
to which the avarice of greedy
grasping hands remands the
unenlightened soul. But by this
time a protégé with half a mind
will have divined the whole
scenario: like an asexual Lothario
who out of habit acts as if he lusts
for prey, or a psychotic Santa
who has managed to waylay his
last remaining elf, he’ll only ever
have been talking to himself.


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