Sunday, October 28, 2007

Circuit Party

“Tell all the truth but tell it slant
Success in Circuit lies…”

Emily Dickinson

Success in circuit lies
but when the circuit pries
the lid off every expectation –
leaves you coughing in the stirred-up
rust and dust – well, let me fail

for moments to decide to
carry on: let me sway
insensibly into a midnight –
fight the inclination to stay up –
pretend that sleep’s a practice-run

for shutting down for good – and, knock
on wood, conjure up a tolerable nothingness
to which, on cue, I might descend, and from which
I might then emerge, when I've more stamina
for all this waking verging into life –

whose chaos is a good deal
less apparently adventure,
sometimes, than a rife
suspension of all
reasonable rules. The only antidote I can imagine

to this foolishness is death – but let me know, from time to time,
a simulacrum of it that permits some future breath.
Let this circuit party have a cake
that I can have and eat:
surely that’s the grand, withheld eternal treat.

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