might not have evolved so fast into contempt
had Ecstasy’s
intentions not been so overt, so rash,
so absolutely unalloyed
with mediation. Ecstasy alarmed
by its display
of what you were quite certain was predation
which however
never threatened any prey. It was as if
it ravenously
craved to eat whatever it entreated, though
as soon as any yearned-for
thing (and every thing was
yearned for) had
approached its lips, it got a wet, unbridled
kiss. Ecstasy
had very little outward truck with the Abyss –
although if you
agreed to go with it you’d find its nth degree
pursuit would
be to shoot you to the brink of going over
who-knew-what. Is
there a But? Surely there’s a But. No.
Here is what we
know: And! Ah! Therefore! Conjunctions,
interjections and
conjunctive adverbs are its favorite parts
of speech: the
words you didn’t know you reached for
when you uttered
or you muttered or you growled or howled
and sprayed the
whole wad of your vowels when you came.
Came, that is, of
course, to orgasm – and soon, with ecstasy,
you’d find
there was no going, only coming, and you lived
without quite
knowing you were always being shown
a refutation of
the negative. Only then could you begin to roam
beyond the
spherical to the unbounded, roving past the kiss
to the ecstatic
fission of Existence, the Abyss – blisses with
which Ecstasy
is always having not-so-secret trysts. Ecstasy
is not a
miracle. It’s the essence of the is. The Big Bang’s fizz.
But skepticism won’t
be swayed by that, or any other nth degree
unbackable fiat,
least of all a language which illogically asserts
what language
cannot say that it can say. From Ecstasy’s
Skepticism is exempt. It knows another much
more gratifying way to get itself from day to day. Contempt.
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